Sep 16Liked by Joel E. Lorentzen

Planting trees is always a good idea, and creating more to give is undoubtedly positive.

Your common sense writing is spot-on; we owe them everything for their selfless sacrifice.

And leaving this world a better place for ours and others is still why I am here, of this I am sure.

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I love these words: “leaving this world a better place for ours and others is why I’m here…”. A statement of purpose beyond consuming as much as I can before I die. Can I steal them?

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

The primal contract of the eternal society is between the dead; the living; and the unborn. When and how did we forget this? "Liberal" governance is why we don't have reliable institutions; and we have more peace now than we did in the past. "Liberal" thinking is always to the totalitarian and always to magnifying fault as it diminishes. "Greatest Generation"? When I look at where the frontier of freedom was in 1940 as opposed to 1950, I don't get that vibe; and outside the Iron and Bamboo Curtains there was a great penchant for supporting dictators and genocidal regimes. I tend to seeing "Don't think about tomorrow, or of leaving a legacy" as a tendenz from before the Great War. And so here we are.

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Enjoy the contrarian points, Mr Watson.

I really don’t like the word “liberal” because it is always used out of context as the opposite of “conservative.” Its not. Liberal governance accepts personal liberty as a pre-condition, which is a core conservative principle. Most don’t understand that both things are true. You seem to.

My views on “Greatest Generation” may be overly generous, but they are well-founded in experience. I started work in factories in 1976, when leadership and front line management was dominated by that generation. They were more serious than us, less afraid of hard things, more demanding and less forgiving of each other.

I think both world wars, and the subsequent cino-genocide, were consequences of academic overreach to design society in an image. Didn’t work. Won’t work. But we’re getting ready to try it again.

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Sep 16Liked by Joel E. Lorentzen

Mr Watson was my Dad. :-) I'm only "Mr Watson" to nincompoops in bureaucracies who rather think they are addressing a child or other "inferior". Call me Steve.

I take what you say and mean. The "Greatest Generation" were misled; but acted on the myth as though it were truth; or on not knowing it for legend. Some did twig: "Print the legend!" - 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence'. In the acting I'll allow they were the greater for it. Wheels within wheels; in reacting against the Post-Modern I can't help but be Post-Modern and a cynical relativist. :-)

We need our myths; else the contretemps du jour are the outcome. But we should be aware they are myths.

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